CBD for Chronic Pain Management: Don’t Believe These Common Myths

CBD for Chronic Pain Management

Many people suffer from chronic pain in Australia. And while there are many chronic pain treatment options available, everyone’s condition is different.

There are certain treatments that will be able to treat pain for some people while having little to no effect on others. As a result, CBD is emerging as an alternative pain medicine that may be used for chronic pain treatment.

And while cannabinoid shows a lot of promise, we don’t have enough data to say anything conclusively. On top of that, many companies are capitalising on the hype around using CBD to help manage and control pain.

This is why there are numerous myths about CBD for chronic pain. And before trying out these treatments yourself, it’s important to know the facts.

Today, we’re debunking five widely-believed myths around CBD for chronic pain, so you stay as informed as possible.

Let’s kick things off with the first myth.

CBD for Chronic Pain Management

Myth #1: There Is No Research Around CBD for Chronic Pain

Talking about CBD for chronic pain is a tricky situation. This is because the Australian TGA hasn’t conducted studies or approved the medication yet. This means that there are no approved therapeutic benefits and no controls in place for the quality of CBD products in Australia.

On top of that, we need more studies on how CBD can potentially relieve chronic pain and whether or not it’s a good alternative to other common treatments like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

That said, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any studies around CBD for chronic pain. In fact, new research about CBD and chronic pain is coming out almost every day. Granted, we need many more studies around CBD before we can say anything definitively. But preliminary studies exist, and many of them have come up with promising results.

Myth #2: There Are No Side Effects to Using CBD for Chronic Pain

One of the reasons people are attracted to CBD when managing chronic pain is because there’s a myth going around that the medication has no side effects. This is completely false.

With other chronic pain medications, there is a wide range of side effects to deal with. And while CBD doesn’t pose any significant risks, they also have its share of side effects. However, these side effects aren’t as major as other treatments like opioids or NSAIDs.

When taking CBD to manage chronic pain, it isn’t uncommon to experience side effects like irritability, irregular sleep, and nausea. If you experience these side effects, speak to a doctor immediately to find a solution right away.

Myth #3: CBD for Chronic Pain Is a Scam

Since there’s so much hope around using CBD for chronic and acute pain, many people believe that it’s a scam. It’s easy to see why, though, considering all the wild claims on the internet about how CBD helps with muscle pain and many other conditions.

Discussing how CBD may potentially relieve pain is a tricky subject. There is definitely a fair share of articles on the internet with false claims about the effects of CBD, and it’s important to spot them right away. But just because there’s a fair amount of false information about CBD and chronic pain doesn’t mean it’s a scam.

If you want the best experience when taking CBD for chronic pain, you must speak to your doctor. Many factors determine the best treatment for your chronic pain, and the wrong treatment might even make the pain worse.

So, always speak to a doctor before deciding on the best chronic pain treatment option for you.

Myth #4: Only Special Doctors Can Prescribe CBD for Chronic Pain

If you want to experience the potential pain relief of CBD for those with chronic pain, you need a prescription from a doctor. In Australia, CBD is classified as a Schedule 4 or prescription-only drug. So, you won’t be able to buy these medications over the counter.

Many people think they need to go to a specific doctor to get a CBD prescription. This isn’t true. If you’re looking to use CBD for mild to moderate pain, you can go to just about any doctor. The only time you need to visit a specialist is if you’re getting Schedule 8 CBD products that contain THC.

CBD for Chronic Pain Management

Myth #5: CBD Cures Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is described as persistent pain that doesn’t go away for at least three months. This can be incredibly uncomfortable and get in the way of your daily activities, which is why many people look for complete pain relief with their chronic pain medication.

However, you won’t be able to completely eliminate chronic pain. This is not a curable condition, and the best patients can do is utilise different techniques and medication to manage their chronic pain.

The goal of chronic pain medication is to make the pain manageable so that it doesn’t get in the way of your daily life. So, if you’re taking CBD to alleviate pain, you shouldn’t expect it to remove the discomfort. Instead, it will decrease pain and make it easier to go through your daily life.

How Can I Use CBD for Chronic Pain Management in Australia?

CBD can be prescribed for chronic non-cancer pain and other pain disorders in Australia. Since CBD is a Schedule 4 drug, you must have a prescription before purchasing the medication. Here’s a quick guide on how to do that in Australia.

Get a Prescription

Any doctor can give you a prescription for CBD if you have chronic pain. The only rule is that it shouldn’t be your first option and that patients must try other treatment methods before trying CBD.

Buy the Medication

If you have a prescription, you can purchase CBD from pharmacies, dispensaries, and online stores. All you have to do is show your prescription, and you will be able to legally purchase the products.


CBD could be an alternative treatment for chronic pain, especially if you’ve tried traditional medication and it didn’t work for you. However, there’s a lot of misinformation around CBD nowadays, and it’s important to stick to the facts. But as long as you know the facts, feel free to ask your doctor if CBD is the right treatment for you.

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